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In 2008, Jackson-Lloyd worked with over 40 Texas Chambers of Commerce to produce a meaningful member program. These participating chambers represented towns with a population of 1,500 to over 1,000,000.


On the job injuries were not being treated locally by medical providers, especially in non-metro areas of Texas.  The providers refused to treat workers compensation claims due to low pay and massive amounts of paper work. This forced many injured workers to seek treatment outside their residence city and sometimes out of state.


Non-subscriber claims are paid and administered differently than workers compensation claims. Medical providers rarely refuse to treat occupational injuries of a non-subscribing employer.  In fact, medical providers welcome the opportunity to treat our claimants once they understand that our policies are not workers comp.


The Jackson-Lloyd program pays the provider reimbursement based on “medically necessary, usual and customary” charges.  This method of reimbursement is much more attractive to the medical provider than the state regulated workers’ compensation fee schedule. Plus, our required claims paperwork is very simple and flexible.


The participating chambers charged Jackson-Lloyd to bring a product to the table that would provide excellent benefits to the injured worker while keeping medical care within the service area of the chamber of commerce.


Jackson-Lloyd delivered a non-subscriber plan that met the needs and solved major problems of these Texas chambers of commerce.  The plan is/was so unique in design and implementation that the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives bestowed the 2009 Economic Development Award as well as the 2009 Community Development Award to the program.


This is another success story for Texas non subscription designed and managed by Jackson-Lloyd!

© 2016-2022  by Jackson-Lloyd.

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